About the Electorate of Menzies
Menzies was named in honour of the Rt Hon. Sir Robert Gordon Menzies KT CH QC, 1894–1978. Menzies was Prime Minister of Australia (1939–41 and 1949–66) and a Member of the House of Representatives (1934–66).
The Division of Menzies consists of:
Manningham City Council,
part of the Boroondara City Council, and
part of the Whitehorse City Council.
Area: 102 sq km
2021 Census
The 2021 ABS census data has been released. Here are some interesting facts:
The ‘average Australian’ is a female, 30-39 years old, living in a coupled family with children, in a greater capital city area.
Millennials (25-39 years old) are now rapidly overtaking our Baby Boomers (55-74 years old) - both now represent roughly 21.5% of the population.
Our total population grew by 0.5% last year, compared to the average growth of 1.28% per annum across the last 20 years.
Curiously, the number of Jedi in Australia has decreased.
If you found any of these statistics interesting, you can always get to know Menzies better by following this link to the ABS Census Page for our electorate.